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Here is November 2019’s Jughead of the Month.  Meet Pat.

Q:  At what age did you get into racing and why do you love it?

A:  Got into it at a young age watching Daytona 500 with my Dad, wanting to race with whatever I had.


Q:  What’s your favorite team 51 memory?

A:   I have two great memories of the 51 team.  First meeting Jeremy, then meeting Mr Clements, both times at the Glen.


Q:  How long have you been a 51 fan?

A:  I’ve been a fan for four years.


Q:  How does Jeremy and the 51 team inspire you?

A:  They are “the little race team that can.


Q:  Do you have a motto you live by? If so, what is it?

A:  Never give up.


Q:  Describe yourself in ten words.

A:  Always speak my mind to other people.


Q:  If you could give Jeremy and the team a pep talk, what would you say?

A:  You can win this race and do your best.


Q:  Favorite color and why?

A:  Love color black don’t, know why lol.


Q:   Favorite food and drink on race day?

A:  Hamburgers, hot dogs, and Pepsi


Thank you for your time Pat.  I hope you enjoy being Jughead of the Month for November 2019! 🙂